Hotel Deals and Events

ChomSindh Package

Book over 2 nights at Amari Bangkok and indulge in a complimentary Lunch or Dinner Set at ChomSindh, where freshwater and seafood delicacies come to life, capturing the rich essence of traditional Thai flavours.

5,500 THB / night
Total 11,000 THB
ChomSindh Package - 아마리 방콕
ChomSindh Package - 아마리 방콕

숙박 기간

2025년 3월 31일 - 2025년 10월 31일

Minimum Stay

2 Night(s) in 디럭스

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Package includes

  • One-time Thai lunch or dinner set at 'ChomSindh' per person per stay:

    Complimentary Thai lunch or dinner set at 'ChomSindh' restaurant per person per stay.

  • Daily breakfast:

    Experience a wide selection of local and international cuisine for breakfast daily at Amaya Food Gallery.

  • ONYX Rewards members earn full points:

    ONYX Rewards members earn full points per stay.